Storm the sun is the center conducted a routine cycle of the galaxy, the Milky Way, Solar System. The storm surge occurs when the sun was beyond the orbit of elektromagnetiknya activity that characterized the boom-boom.
According to the Bandung Institute of Technology astronomy professor Herdiwijaya Dhani, the explosion of the sun can be seen from Earth through the indication of sunspots on the sun's surface. The dots represent the surface of the sun that burns due to explosions happening. "As short-circuit or short circuit connection," he said when contacted Wednesday, January 25, 2012.
Short circuit in the center of the solar system with just a misunderstanding, of course, different lights. "Energy is emitted immense," Dhani view. The energy in this waveform penetrates the multiple planetary flow. From closest to the sun, Mercury and Venus and Earth to finish energinya.
Along the way, this wave is followed by corona mass ejection, which is launching the mass of the solar corona, mostly protons, with high speed. Because it contains high-speed protons, Dhani speak, the wave can damage what dilewatinya, including satellite communications for global positioning system (GPS).
"The higher the position of the satellite, the biggest risk to the influence of the wave," says Dhani. Similarly, the debris can also change the position of corona mass ejection due to chance. On January 23 is not the Sun yesterday storm event, especially to Indonesia, also feel the impact.
But remember Dhani likely peak next year's storm cycle of the sun. "That is, the frequency of the most explosive because the sun has also been improved," he said. The impact of the storm the sun in 2013 could feel at the peak of the cycle or after a storm. "It usually occurs at the beginning of the semester or quarter in the first place," he said.
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